What temperature should a fish tank be?

What temperature should a fish tank be?

Temperature is an abiotic factor of the environment. In natural water reservoirs, the temperature depends on many environmental factors such as insolation, sun exposure, ambient temperature and other external environmental factors that influence the water by increasing or lowering its heat.

Temperature has a huge impact on the life of aquatic animals. The optimal temperature allows the preservation of all physiological processes taking place in a living organism. The temperature can be extreme in any of its ranges, however it will significantly affect the life of the organisms.

Each organism shows the temperature range that is favorable for its life in the aquatic environment – the environmental optimum. The temperature level significantly influences life processes in animals or plants, such as:

  • survival rate,
  • development and growth,
  • reproduction
  • behavior in individual cases.

The optimal water temperature is a key element in keep fishing. The right choice of temperature in the aquarium has a significant impact on the comfort and quality of life of the fish. Depending on their original habitat, fish have a different temperature tolerance range.

If you feel cold, you probably wear a sweater. If you feel too hot, you might open the window or turn the air conditioner down. These aren’t the best options for your fish.

Your fish are cold-blooded because they don’t have the ability to regulate their body temperature like you do. You feel uncomfortable when you’re too hot or too cold. You feel there is no way out of your predicament, no matter how hard you try.

Aquascape fish tank

The water temperature has an effect on your fish’s metabolism. If the temperature of the water in your tank is too cold, it can affect your fish metabolism and make them sleepy.

If the water is too hot, your fish’s metabolism will speed up. Your fish will be even more active and lively. The water needs to be kept at the right temperature so that your fish doesn’t get stressed.

Your fish’s immune system is weakened by the changing temperature of the tank, making it more susceptible to infections. Your fish’s health and resistance to parasites (like ICH) can be affected by fluctuations in temperature.

Your fish are vulnerable to diseases when they are stressed. Maintaining a consistent water temperature is important to the life of your fish.

You don’t need to have fish in your aquarium to watch the temperature. A lot of animals, corals, plants, and algae are affected by the temperature outside of their preferred range.

It’s also important to consider what other beneficial organisms may be living in your tank as well. Some types of beneficial bacteria help keep your fish tank healthy.

As the temperature lowers, it makes it harder for bacteria to grow. This sometimes takes a tank longer to complete its full cycle.

Ensuring that your aquarium is maintained at the right temperature is an important thing.

Do you know how to position the heater correctly?

You’ll want to make sure your fish tank is in good working condition before adding the aquarium fish and keeping them happy. Ensure that the temperature of your water is constantly at the right level.

So how to place a heater in an fish tank? There are many ways to install a heater. The most common method uses suction cups which should be placed near the maximum water flow. For maximum efficiency, place it as close as possible to the filter outlet, either in the stream of the powerhead or next to the air pump.

If you position your heater vertically in the tank, make sure that it doesn’t touch the walls because the heat difference might cause cracks in the heater.

You need to understand how the heater works before you can decide where to place it.

There are many types of heaters, but the most common ones are the submersible aquarium heaters. It’s a metal cylinder with a heating element wrapped around a ceramic or glass insert.

The heater is connected to a thermostat that turns the heating element to maintain the required temperature. The heat is distributed throughout the tank when the water column closest to it is warm.

Submersible heaters should be placed inside the aquarium according to this rule. The fish keepers prefer to clip them at the back of the tank.

Place it in such a way that when you view it from the front it’s facing the right or left side of the aquarium.

Heater for fish tank

If you want to prevent your tropical fish from getting burned, you need to leave enough space between the side of the tank and your heaters.

In fact you can place your aquarium heater next to your filter. If you place your aquarium heater next to the water flow, you will be able to keep your aquarium at an ideal temperature. As long as there is good flow around the heater, your fish tank should warm up evenly.

The most important thing to consider when setting up your aquarium is the angle of your heater. It should be placed at a 45-degree angle, but it does depend on the heater you have.

By placing your aquarium heater in a horizontal position, it works more effectively than a vertical position. Heat rises and disperse more easily.

If you decide to place the heater vertically, think about using plants or other decorations to hide it.

There will be a small difference in how your tank heats up based on how you place your heater. So you can decide which heater to buy based on how it looks in your fish tank. 

To help control the tank’s temperature use a thermometer.


Unplug the heater before making any water changes, then plug it back in when it is fully submerged. Wait 30 minutes for it to cool before removing the heater from the water. When you put the heater in the tank also wait 30 minutes before plugging it back in. Use a thermometer to check the fish tank water temperature. To keep your fish healthy and comfortable, temperature control is crucial.

When choosing a heater, the first thing to do is to decide the heating power.

The power of our heater depends on several factors:

– the tank size,

– whether the fish tank is covered or uncovered (an adequate cover constitutes perfect thermal insulation)

– on the type of heating in the room where the tank will be located (If you have central heating, you heat the fish tank only slightly)

– whether or not to use a thermoregulator In small and medium-sized aquariums (up to 80 liters), 1 liter of water should be heated by 1 Watt. For large tanks, 1 liter of water is heated by 0.5 W.

What happens when your fish tank gets too hot?

The biggest issues tend to be seen with warm water when temperatures exceed about 90°F (32°C).

Your fish’s behavior might change a little. It’ll probably move around in its aquarium more than usual.

It is well known that fish breathe by absorbing oxygen from water. Your warm tank, however, may not have the same amount of oxygen in it as the surrounding environment.

Your fish are able to breathe through gills – which means they pull oxygen from the water. Under normal conditions, your fish tank should have enough oxygen.

Warm water can actually make fish more active, which can cause a number of problems. In severe cases, the fish may die because there is not enough oxygen to go around.

If you want to keep your aquarium full of fish and keep them healthy, you must provide them with adequate oxygen.

If you don’t, the ammonia in the water will start to poison your fish and cause their gills to burn. If there isn’t enough oxygen to go around, the bacteria won’t be able to live and break down the ammonia.

Warm water also speeds up the metabolism in your aqurium fish. If your tank is too warm, adjust it until it feels comfortable.

You’re just one bad fish bite away from a really bad problem.


Temporary temperature increase is used in some cases and it does not last longer than recommended (breeding temperature). Higher aquarium temperature helps to fight some diseases, such as spot disease.

If the temperature gets too high, what should we do?

Aquariums are kept cool in different ways. You must determine what works best for them by considering the circumstances at hand and the type of tropical fish you are keeping in the tank.

It’s important to know that what works for one tank won’t necessarily work for another. It’s important to consider the situation before coming up with a plan.

Here are a few ways to effectively lower the temperature of our tank:

Aquarium Chiller

If your home gets hot during the day, it may be a good idea to add an aquarium chiller to your fish tank. It will cool the tank and it’s controllable so you can set the temperature you want.

The most important thing is to choose a quality chiller that will work best for your tank. For tanks of various sizes, choose the chiller that’s best for your needs.

Air conditioning – cool exterior environment

Keep cool temperature around the aquarium. The easiest way to do this is by air conditioning, but not every room is equipped with it. Closing curtains during the day and opening windows at night are the easiest ways to keep a room cool.

Good filtration system

Install proper water filtration systems and new filters each time they become clogged. This will ensure that the water is clean and keep the fish healthy without there being any risk of them being harmed.

Increase water circulation

Dissolved oxygen in water is a problem at high temperatures. By increasing the movement of the water near the surface of the water, it will help to replenish the reservoir with oxygen. This won’t help cool the tank, but it will reduce the negative impact on our fish.

Open aquarium hood

Most of the tanks are covered by a hood with light which reduces air movement. In addition, the heat released from the lighting raises the aquarium temperature.

Opening the hood or removing it completely will remove the accumulated heat, allowing the water to cool down. If you are concerned that your fish will jump out of the tank you can use a net or grid over the tank.

Turn off the lighting

A large part of the heat comes from the aquarium lighting. Turning it off during the day may lower the temperature. A few days without light will certainly not harm the plants, but be careful.

Run a fan

This is a simple, quick, and easy solution to the problem of stagnant water at the tank’s. This solution will help with oxygen exchange and maintain the right level of oxygen for your fish.  Make sure the fan is properly mounted so it does not fall into the tank.

Ice bucket

We can use it to place our external filter in it. Of course, this will only work if we have a canister filter in our fish tank. However, we must do this very carefully in order not to cool the water inside the filter too much as this can kill all the beneficial bacteria needed to keep the water in good condition.

Frozen water bottle

One of the most common methods for keeping cold water in fish tanks is the freezing water bottle method. It’s not as effective as using ice cubes, but is still an inexpensive and easy way to keep your fish tank cold.

Don’t put ice cubes directly into the tank, as the cooling effect will be too fast and uneven. You may have heard of a system for keeping fishtank cool using a small tube with water inside. 

It works pretty much the same way as the frozen water bottles. However, it’s more expensive to purchase because it requires more parts to be replaced over time.

Reduce light

If your fish tank is in a place where it gets direct sunlight, you might need to install blinds to keep out the harsh rays. If you notice algae growing in your fish tank, you should turn off the lights.

What happens when your fish tank gets too cold?

Many of these fish are slow-moving and sluggish, and most will die when the water is very cold.

The ideal water temperature range for cool water fishes like goldfish is between 62°F and 70°F, while other species like betta and tetras require water temperatures between 72°F and 78°F.

If the temperature gets too low, what should we do?

Cold-blooded animals, like fish, are highly sensitive to changes in temperature. Any fish keeper should pay attention to the proper maintenance and care of their aquarium heaters.

Having a good heater with a built in thermostat will make sure the fish tank stays warm when you’re away. More advanced models have sensors that regulate the temperature of the water in the tank.

If you want to reduce drafts of outside air, place the tank against a wall.

You can increase the temperature in the tank by increasing the ambient air temperature inside the room by setting it to 78F (25.5°C).

You need to store the fish tank in a place that is warmer or closer to a heater.

You can sometimes add warm water to the tank to help maintain the temperature without using a heater.

What is the optimum water temperature for different fish?

It’s important to understand that when it comes to temperature preference, fish fall into one of three categories:

Cold water fish: Below 68°F (20°C)

Temperate fish: A wider range of temperatures

Tropical fish: 75-80°F (24-27°C)

The temperate fish category was created to distinguish fish that don’t fall into the other two categories, like goldfish. As a matter of fact, temperate fish still have a preferred temperature range where they will thrive.

Fish that come from large bodies of water (oceans or large lakes) are less tolerant of temperature swings than those fish living in smaller bodies of water. The fish don’t adapt to fluctuations in temperature because of the large ecosystems.

It is up to you to figure out the temperature range of the fish you plan to add to your aquarium. The place you are buying fish will usually give that information.

The fish that you put in your tank will be determined by the temperature of your fish tank.

The best aquariums are those that have different fish species, but are kept at the same temperature. But be careful! If two fish can be kept in the same aquarium, that doesn’t mean they should be in the same tank. Take a look.

We have two fish:

– Fish A: 64-72°F

– Fish B: 72-82°F

It is possible for fish to live together if the temperature is 72F (22C). Although it’s not true for all species of fish, in this instance, both fish would be living at the edge of the temperature range that they find most comfortable. This can cause both fish to become stressed and have shorter lives. This is a mistake beginners make all the time.

A permanent summer or a permanent winter for your fish can be created by keeping your tank at the edges of this temperature. They don’t like it. The temperature range of fish in the wild is very short.

Just because your fish is alive it doesn’t mean that is doing well. Fish should live in a tank at the recommended temperatures. They do not thrive if they are exposed to too warm or too cold water. 

When you choose a fish tank, the aquarium temperature should depend on the species of fish you choose. You should decide what kind of fish you’d like to keep before buying your fish tank and determine what water and heater will be required. Cold-water species prefer to live in a 65 ° F or below, while tropical fish needs much higher temperatures (75-80°F).

Ideal temperature inphographic
Ideal temperature inphographic

Keeping the temperature tank at an acceptable level is key to maintaining the health of your fish.

Check the water temperature regularly to avoid sudden changes in the climate inside the tank.

Water temperature

Breeding temperature

The temperature that most  fish need to breed is specific.

German blue ram

It happens when the water temperature is higher than normal but not high enough to cause breeding.

It’s important to know the temperature requirements of the species being spawned during fish breeding. You can adjust the tank temperature for the needs of the fish.

Fish breeders should keep in mind that they need to have the correct water conditions for breeding. The water temperature is one of the most important factors in fish breeding.

You should also know that temperature and pH can be adjusted according to the species of fish you wish to breed.

It’s very important to keep the temperature constant. Otherwise, the eggs will catch the fungus. A buffer is needed to maintain the correct pH level and to get right temperature. Slowly adding the buffer to the water should help stabilize the pH. This will make the water healthier for the eggs.

Some fish species need warmer water to breed, while others prefer cooler temperatures. There are also different species of fish that can tolerate a wide range of water temperatures. For example, tropical fish prefer temperatures at 28C (82F). While goldfish can be kept at 18-30C (64-86F).

Many tropical fish can breed at any time of the year, so you don’t need to worry about the temperature. But remember if the temperature is too cold, they will not breed.

How do you keep your aquarium water at the right temperature?

You need to know the exact temperature of your aquarium to ensure you are providing the best environment for your fish.

You need an accurate aquarium thermometer to monitor your aquarium’s water temperature.

Thermometer in fish tank

Where is your fish tank located? The right location is crucial!

Drafts of air flowing through open windows and AC vents can cool a fish tank quickly. Similar to the heat, when it comes to sunlight, the longer, warmer daylight hours of summer are causing temperatures to rise. Don’t put your new aquarium near the power and heating outlets, as this could be dangerous.

It’s essential to choose the correct location for a fish tank.

Heating your aquarium is a really easy thing to do. All you need is a good aquarium heater. This handy little device warms your water to the desired temperature, and continues to do so until you want it to stop warming.

If you live in a hot climate, you might need to invest in a fan system to keep your aquarium at the right temperature. If you have a large aquarium, you may need to use an aquarium chiller.

You want to control the temperature of your aquarium without having to worry about the heater or fan running constantly. These are just the exact products you’re looking for, an aquarium heater controller!

If the water is too hot or too cold, the controller will automatically adjust your settings to maintain a comfortable temperature.

What is the best temperature for your aquarium?

There are many species of fish that need water at a specific temperature range.

It’s important to figure out what kind of fish you want to keep before buying a tank and comparing its needs to those of the heater and water.

Always check the temperature, to make sure that it is suitable for maintaining the right conditions in the aquarium. If it goes up quickly, or significantly, this could damage the fish’s physiology.

In conclusion

Keeping your tropical fish tank at the right temperature is challenging, but by taking appropriate steps and using the right equipment, it’s easier than many novices realize.

When it comes to keeping your aquarium at the proper temperature, heaters and chillers make it easy!

If you have any questions, please comment below and I will try my best to help.

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