What do I need for fish tank? Checklist for begginers with Infographic

What do I need for fish tank? Checklist for begginers with Infographic

In setting up a new fish tank there are nearly endless possibilities for creating a beautiful freshwater aquarium.

You’ll find that there are many types of products, and countless choices among them, but don’t let this overwhelm you.

The prospecting process is confusing, but once you understand the basics, it becomes easier.

This setup checklist will help you make sure that everything is in working order when you’re ready to set your fish tanks up at home.


There are only two types of tanks, glass and acrylic, and they come in many shapes and sizes. A glass tank is likely to be something you want.

CheapestMore expensive
Hard to scratchScratches easily
Higher index of refractionLower index of refraction
Impact resistance is poor (easily to break)Impact resistance is good (harder to break)
Limited shapesVaried shapes
Clarity is constantYellows with age

The tank’s size and shape are up to you. I prefer the larger aquariums, but there are some things that I like about the smaller ones.

Fish tank

In general, the smaller the tank, the more work it will take to maintain its water chemistry. For example, if you are using a 10 gallon aquarium, you will have to make sure that the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are all within an acceptable range.

If you are using a 50 gallon freshwater aquarium, you will have to do the same, but also be aware that the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate will be changing much more slowly, so you will have to monitor them more often. In terms of equipment, you can use the same equipment for both small and large aquariums.

Maintenance work doesn’t need to be done twice the time for twice the size. A regular partial water change might require you to add one more bucket of water into the larger fish tank.

A common mistake when building a new aquarium is to assume that the larger the volume, the more fish a tank can hold. This is not always true. Freshwater fish need space to swim and to hide. If you don’t have enough room to do this, your pet fish will suffer.

When planning your freshwater aquarium, think about the size of the tank you want, and then decide whether or not you want to increase the volume.

The number of fish depends on both the size of the tank and the shape of its volume. The fish that live near the bottom are different than the fish that swim in the upper. Doubling the height of a tank won’t double its volume and won’t let you keep more bottom dwelling pet fish.

When deciding what kind of pet fish to keep, surface area is more important than volume.

First, you can get more aquatic pets in a bigger tank. In general, the larger the tank, the more fish you can keep. Second, you can have more space for decorations.

Third, you can easily clean a larger tank. The larger the tank, the easier it is to clean.

The biggest problem with a bigger tank is that it takes up more space. You will need to make sure that you have enough space for the tank. You will also need to make sure that your  heater is big enough to heat the water in the tank.

A good way to choose a tank size is to find out what size your aquatic pets will grow to. If you have a large fish, it will probably be a bit bigger than if you have a small fish.

In general, larger fish will require a larger aquarium than smaller ones. However, there are exceptions. Some small fish can live quite happily in a large tank. Definitely avoid the tiny 1 gallon aquariums and other tiny tanks. I think that 20 gallon tank makes an excellent first tank size.


heater for fish tank 1

A tropical aquarium is a very expensive hobby and requires a lot of maintenance. If you want a tropical fish tank, it’s a good idea to get an aquarium heater first.

Heaters keep a fish tank from cooling off and its temperature from dropping during the day, even when the room cools off. The water temperature of 78F is ideal for many tropical fish.

There are several different aquarium heater types:

– immersible heaters,

– submersible heaters,

– substrate heaters,

– filter heaters,

– in-line aquarium heaters

Immersible heaters

Immersible heaters function like traditional submersible heaters, except that you can’t fully submerge them under water. They’re typically more affordable than submersible heaters. They’re less versatile in terms of their positioning, but they’re a lot easier to hang.

Immersible heaters are becoming less common as they are being replaced by fully submersible heaters.

Submersible heaters

This heater is ideal for use with all types of aquariums. A submersible heater is a small device that is placed inside the aquarium. They are fully submersed in the aquarium water.

They are very versatile in terms of their positioning, as they can be placed almost anywhere in the aquarium. They are more expensive than immersible heaters, but offer the best performance.

The heater can be placed near to an aquarium filter output in order to ensure that heat is evenly distributed to the entire aquarium.

For optimal efficiency, it should be placed near the bottom of the tank.

Use this strategy for taller aquariums. This is a good way to make sure that all of the tank is warm.

The heat source should be placed only about 3 cm away from the bottom of the tank. Make sure that you leave enough space in between the gravel and the heater.

Substrate heaters

Substrate heaters run through the bottom of the tank. They are often referred to as heating cables or coils.  The substrate heater is placed in the gravel.

As a result, the water temperature will stay constant. When the water temperature rises, the thermostat will turn the heater off.

It is also useful for heating the substrate for growing live plants. It keeps the root environment healthy and comfortable.

Filter heaters

There are many models of fish tank filters. There are some kind of canister filter or power filter with a built-in heating element.

This heater heats the water passing through the filter and returns the heated and purified water to the aquarium. They are called in-filter heaters.

In-line aquarium heaters

A popular type of heater is also the inline heater. It is placed inside the aquarium’s filter’s hose line. It is more efficient than a surface heater and can be easily hidden.

It’s very important to keep the heater upright when it is turned on to avoid air pockets which could cause malfunction.

If you have a smaller aquarium, you can buy a heater with less watts, but if you have a bigger aquarium, you need more watts. In case you don’t want to pay more than necessary.

One watt of heating power is needed per 10 liters of aquarium water. But it is a very rough rule of thumb.

A heater is usually described by its manufacturer with a recommendation about what heater fits what tank size.

If you’re buying an aquarium heater online and the manufacturer doesn’t include recommendations on the heater model, the best thing to do is to contact them to ask.


thermometer for fish tank

If you want to verify that your tank is at its proper temperature, you need a good thermometer. It is very important to use an accurate thermometer, and you should be aware of the differences between the two types: traditional bulb thermometer and flat model thermometer.

If you use a flat one, make sure it is calibrated for your tank’s water temperature. If you use a hanging thermometer, be careful not to place it too high on the glass. This will cause the bulb to get cold, which will affect the accuracy of the reading.

Aquarium thermometers can be very inconsistent. You may have a better experience with some aquarium thermometers than others, depending on how well you work with them. Thermometers are used to verify if your temperature is either too high or low, however, may sometimes be off by several degrees.

Buying a thermometer that has one of the extremes is not a good idea. Pick a one that has an average temperature.


filter for fish tank 1

No matter what type of filtration you have, you need to ensure that it is effective and efficient.

We can list 3 types of filtration: biological, mechanical and chemical.

Biological filtration helps keep the fish’s aquariums clean and removes waste products, including ammonia. The most stable and efficient way to breakdown ammonia is biological filtration. Freshwater fish tanks must have biological filtration to keep your aquatic pets healthy. Biological filtration is the cheapest, most efficient, and most stable way to breakdown ammonia.

Mechanical filtration removes floating plants and uneaten food from the tank before it decomposes into ammonia.

Chemical filtration, such as activated carbon filtration, can remove ammonia, heavy metals, and dissolved organics under limited circumstances. You may need to use chemical filtration if you’ve got a problem that needs to be resolved quickly, such as removing medications after they’ve served their purpose, or purifying tap water before it goes into a tank. A healthy tank doesn’t require the use of chemical filters.

One important thing to know about fish tanks is that all need to have biological filtration. Chemical filtration is only effective for removing ammonia, but it is not a good solution in the long run.

Typically, aquarium filters perform some or all of the three filtering types, by placing them in series.

Mechanical filtration is usually used as the first step and it is called a “pre-filter”. They’re used to trap particles that could clog the other stages.

Biological usually comes next, followed by the chemical filtration (if present). Chemical filtration  may or may not be beneficial, depending on whom you ask.

For removing medications from your aquarium after they’ve lost their effectiveness, partial water changes do the same thing as chemical filtration.

We need to clean the filter regularly. The efficiency of our filter decreases when it gets clogged. Biological filtration requires water movement along a large surface where beneficial bacteria attach. The smaller the surface area, the less effective the filter.

Cannister and power filters are cleaned in the same way: remove the media and squeeze it gently in a bucket of used tank water.

Don’t use tap water – tap water may kill beneficial bacteria. Chloramine and chlorine are often used in water facilities for disinfecting, but both are harmful to the fish and the beneficial bacteria in your aquarium.

An aquarium that doesn’t have a functional colony of beneficial bacteria is not a healthy aquarium for any type of pet fish.

It is not necessary to have a large filter. Too much filtering can make your aquarium cloudy and increase stress on your pets.

Ask manufacturers about their own products, consult other people’s experiences, and be cautious before buying products.

An aquarium filters are explained in greater detail in here.

Filter media are made from all kinds of materials. Some are better suited for particular types of water than others, so it’s important to know what material you’re using before you purchase it.

Filter media is put into an order according to the type of filtering they do. The first are the mechanical aquarium filters (floss), followed by biological media (lava rocks, ceramic rings etc.), and finally, the chemicals (carbon filters).

Mechanical aquraium filters are generally not very effective in removing organic contaminants from the water.

Moreover, the filter floss may become clogged and therefore less effective to remove the impurities from the water. This may be caused by a number of factors such as the accumulation of waste products and other foreign materials.

If you are looking for an easy way to clean your filter floss, then there is no need to worry about it. You can easily clean the filter floss by yourself.

All you need to do is to remove the filter floss from the aquarium. Then, rinse it with some fish tank water. Finally, place it back into the aquarium. This will help you remove the dirt from the filter floss.

Ensure that you have plenty of replacement mechanical filter. It’s true, the more often you replace your media, the clearer the water gets.

A biological filter contains living organisms that break down the waste in the water. Remember! Old biological media doesn’t have to be replaced. The older it gets, the more beneficial bacteria colonize in it.

Chemical filter media uses a granular material to remove impurities from the water. They are used only in specific situations. Activated carbon filters can be effective at removing ammonia and nitrite but they are not very effective at removing dissolved organic matter (DOM).


black gravel for fish tank

Gravel provides three purposes: 

– It makes your tank look nicer

– It’s the only filter media if you using UGF

– It serves as a substrate for plants

There are lots of different colors to choose from, and you’ll probably want to use black gravel for most of them. Ultimately, the decision is yours.

It’s amazing how freshwater fish can adapt to the aquatic environment in which they live. Remember that light gravel in freshwater fish tank tends to wash out a fish’s true colors.

Avoid using gravel from coral, sea shells, dolomite or limestone. They are more effective at buffering than others. In most cases you don’t want your gravel affecting the water chemistry (this is usually desirable when keeping African cichlids).


It’s time to run a vinegar test. Put a few drops of vinegar (acid) on the gravel. If the gravel has a lot of carbonates, there will be a lot of foams or bubbles. To be 100% sure, fill a bucket of gravel with water and measure the pH over a period of a week. Make sure that the pH level is stable before adding the product to your aquarium.

The first time you use it, gravel should be washed carefully. Just rinse it clean in water until the water runs clear. If you’re using gravel that isn’t purchased at a fish store, you may want to boil it for 15 minutes to kill unwanted bacteria.

Summing up, if you want to add some gravel to your tank, make sure you know what kind of gravel you are adding.


light opti plant fish tank

Light helps provide energy for plants if present. We also use it to highlight the colors of pet fish. If you want to grow plants, however, more light is needed. If you’re interested in growing plants, you should definitely research the lighting and plant sections before buying your aquarium lights and hood.

If you’re looking for a grow light, fluorescent lights are the way to go. Fluorescent bulbs use less electricity for the same amount of light. That’s why they’re so popular today. If you want to save money on your electric bill, try using fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent.

Incandescent light bulbs emit a lot of heat, which causes your tank to overheat in the summer. When using fluorescent lights, be aware that they can produce enough heat to cause overheating problems, even if your house is cool.

Unfortunately, the light does not only produce the right amount of energy for plants to grow, but also for algae to grow. In other words, if your tank is not full of the kind of plants that it really needs, algae will fill in the gap.

Therefore, it’s best to use different lighting for fish-only aquariums than for plant aquariums. Some of the most important parts of light are the intensity and the spectrum. It’s important to know about the different types of lights and spectrums that can help plants grow stronger.

Different types of bulbs are designed to emit light of different wavelengths. Full-spectrum bulbs attempt to reproduce the sun’s full spectrum. They’re great for both growing plants and bringing out a fish’s natural colors.

The specialized “plant” bulbs help to stimulate plant growth, by emphasizing a specific spectral range. This is one of the best ways to grow plants (and algae well). These aquarium lights don’t quite look right when it comes to pet fish. They provide a spectrum of light that doesn’t match the spectrum of normal sunlight.

Cool white bulbs are a good choice for offices without windows, but they’re not a good choice for fish tanks. Cool white bulbs don’t produce the right light wavelengths for growing plants or bringing out a fish’s natural colors.

When it comes to aquarium lighting, the more watts of full-spectrum (plant) lighting you use, the better for plants, and the less wattage the better for fish.

A hood helps keep fish in aquariums by preventing them from jumping out of the tank and helps reducing water evaporation rates. You don’t want as much water evaporating as it might make the room’s humidity go up to dangerous levels that could require more frequent cleaning and maintenance.

white hood for fish tank 1

Two different styles of hoods are available. The light and hood combined as one unit or hood as a single unit. Hoods can be used for plants or for freshwater fish.

Some have additional slots for extra tubes that provide more light. This is especially important in a freshwater fish tank with lots of plants that need more light.

The aquarium canopies are made out of clear glass so that the light is able to shine through and hit the plants from all angles. This kind of hood has no light. Light strips are used separately.

You can get much better plant performance with aquarium canopies than with full hoods. You can always add more lighting without replacing the entire hood. And, you can typically put more light bulbs above your plant tank.


A powerhead is a submersible unit with an electrical motor.

They are best suited for circulating water and driving under-gravel filter. The incoming water can usually be orientated almost anywhere within the tank and leave the water flowing. It is common to point the stream at such a place to start agitate the surface a bit.

Inexpensive, easy to use, and helpful in maintaining your aquarium, these devices are a great choice for hobbyists.


An air pump is used to create a bubble column in the water.

The air pump will create a bubbles that will break the surface of your tank and cause the water to move. The second purpose of an air pump is to allow you to aerate your fish tank. This means to add oxygen to your tank.

An air pump is not necessary for this purpose, as long as the tank contains sufficient water movement and surface agitation. This is generally the case when external filter (box or cannister) are used. Only if your tank is static, no water movement or no surface agitation, will an air pump be required.

Aquarium air pumps are available in a wide range of styles and sizes. They are usually made of plastic and come in various colors. They can be mounted on the back of the aquarium or on the side of the aquarium.


You will need a stand or something to rest the tank on. There are many styles of stands you can use for your fish tank.  Ensuring that the chosen stand can support the tank’s weight is the first thing you need to worry about.

Tank weigh a lot when full of water (water weighs 10 lbs per gallon). Also keep in mind the weight of gravel, rocks and other tank decorations.

Before buying a stand, you should consider how much weight it will hold in your home. The less pressure is applied to the floor when the surface area of the leg is larger.

It’s important to make sure the floor itself can support the weight of your tank. If you’re not sure whether your floor can handle the weight of your tank, you can always ask a professional floor installer. It’s very important if you plan to keep a large tank (55 gallon or more).

Big tank should be placed perpendicular to the floor joists. It’s the best way to distribute the weight over several joists.

It is more safe to place your tank near a load bearing wall.

You have to adjust the tank level, in order to keep the weight balanced.

An uneven surface will put undue pressure on certain parts of your tank, so make sure you have a level tank.

A level tank allows you to control where the stress is placed, keeping it from breaking the tank.

By placing a 1/4 inch piece of styrofoam in between the tank and the stand, you’ll be able to more evenly distribute your tank.


plants in basket for fish tank

We can buy two types of aquatic plants to the freshwater fish tank: real or plastic.  Plastic plants are much easier to care for than real plants but I recommend to have live plants in freshwater aquarium.

Even though it is possible to grow aquatic plants in an aquarium, it’s not always easy to do. You can read more about aquatic plants here.

Decorations can differ according to your liking. Most aquatic pets are happier if they have a safe place to live and are surrounded by live plants that keep them comfortable. Maybe you’ve heard about aquascaping? 

Aquascaping is the process of making your fish tank visually appealing by adding various scape rocks, aquatic plants, driftwood, stones and so on in it. Aquascaping tanks come in a wide variety of styles.

You can also choose unnatural decorations (made of plastic) for your aquarium, but I do not recommend it. I suggest avoiding such decorations! It’s very important to clean your decorative item thoroughly before placing it into your freshwater aquarium.


cleaning tools for fish tank

Siphoning is the best way to remove water from a fish tank. You can buy a water changing hose that includes a gravel cleaning attachment at your local fish store. You can also find them online at sites like Amazon or Walmart. You’ll be amazed how many options there are out there.

A gravel cleaning attachment is a device that allows you to suck up gravel and other debris from the bottom of your aquarium. A hose that is working properly shouldn’t suck gravel into the water line. Churning gravel up releases any debris that’s light enough to be siphoned out.

Scraping off algae is easy to do. Use a plastic, non-soapy scouring pad to gently scrub the algae away. It’s important to check that you’re using a safe pad when using an acrylic tank. Scratching the acrylic could damage the fish tank.

Some of the slower growing algae may just need more work to be removed. You need to use a razor blade. In your local fish store you will a foot-long scraper with a razor blade on one end.

Razor blades can easily remove anything from your fish tank glass. You have to be careful. It is easy to scratch the glass with a razor blade. Using a foot-long scraper is one of the best ways to remove algae from your freshwater aquarium without having to touch your entire arm in the water.

Very useful for removing algae can be magnet cleaners.  There is a scraper on oje side and a magnet on the outside. When you move the magnet outside, the magnetic scraper inside also starts to move. Magnetic scraper will help remove algae from the glass of your aquarium without you having to hold your hand in the water. 

Magnetic cleaners work best if they have a strong magnetic field. The thickness of the glass is also very important when choosing magnetic cleaners. They work best on smaller aquariums, which have thinner glass but you can buy magnetic cleaners designed for thicker glass.

If you want to get rid of algae from inside your plastic tubing, you can use a toothbrush.


net for fish tank

It’s easier to catch pet fish if you use a net. When you are using a fishing net, it should be the right size for the size of the fish you want to catch.

If the net is made of a fine mesh, it’s harder to use because of its high water-resistance. Remember! Netting fish is very stressful. Be careful because the fish net scrubs away some of the fish’s protective slime coating.


siphon for fish tank

You will need a bucket to add and remove water from your tank. It’s best to use the largest bucket you can find. It’s best used only for aquariums and never for anything else (don’t ever put any chemicals into it). 

I already mention about siphon in the cleaning tools section. I have to admit that the most useful tool for keeping aquariums clean is a siphon.

Some people use a siphon to clean their aquariumss, others prefer using alternative methods. Siphons clean the bottom waste without any hassle. It is very handy when it comes to partial as well as monthly water changes.


Water testing is an essential part of maintaining your aquarium. It’s also an excellent diagnostic tool to monitor your pet fish health, water conditions and if you should consider increasing water changes or keep doing what you’re already doing to keep your tank healthy.

pH drop test

First you should test your water to see if it is safe for your pets to swim in. There are many causes of fish diseases, but bad water conditions are usually at the root of mabny cases.

Water test kit can be used to check the water for the presence of certain chemicals. The test kit shows the results in parts per million (PPM). Liquid test kits are more accurate than dipsticks test. 


test fish food medicines for fish tank

If you’re feeding your freshwater fish high-quality food, they’ll grow and develop properly. This will result in healthy, well-colored fish. Depending upon the fish size and breed, the amount of food you need may vary. When you feed young pet fish, they tend to need more feeding than adults. 

Overfeeding is a common mistake people make while feeding their fish. If you give the fish enough food, they won’t get too fat, and the leftover food will not pollute the water.

Best practice is to purchase a small amount of food, and feed it over a longer period of time, rather than a large quantity at one. You should always get a high quality fish food, regardless of what type of fish food you’re getting.

There are many types of fish medications for your fish to keep them healthy and happy. Fish need medications for their health in case they get ill. You need to be prepared for that situation. 

Make sure to keep the sick fish separate from the rest of the tank. It is necessary to keep the sick fish in quarantine to prevent the others from being affected.

In conclusion

If you know what you are doing, starting a freshwater aquarium is no big deal. I’m providing you with the basics of thing you need to get your new home aquarium set up, along with a checklist of must-have. 

If you have questions about starting your aquarium or need help choosing supplies, please leave them in the comments section below and I’ll try to help as best I can.  Best of luck with the setup!

Fish Tank Checklist Infographic

Fish Tank Checklist infographic
Fish Tank Checklist infographic

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