Have you ever witnessed fish jumping out of a tank? In their natural habitat, fish often do this to escape danger and relocate or to move to another location.
If the fish falls to the ground, it will die immediately if not moved back into water. How can you prevent this in your fish tank? The simplest way is, of course, to install a lid.
Below, I will present a few other methods to minimize fish jumping.
Why do fish jump out?
Insufficient oxygen levels in the water can cause fish to jump out. This may also happen when there are too many nitrates and ammonia in the water. The issue is straightforward: fish attempt to escape from this environment.
Other factors that may contribute to jump out include a small aquarium, disease or lack of places to hide.
However, it’s important to know that for some species, jumping is quite normal.
First, we need to make sure that your water parameters are OK, then we can use several techniques to prevent the fish from jumping out of the aquarium.
Pay attention to factors that may influence fish jumping. Here are some of them.
Too many fish in a small tank will make them want to leave their home. The fish should be provided with enough water to swim. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to immediately buy a large tank.
It’s important to select fish that are suitable for the size of the tank you have. In the case of small fish tanks, choose small fish.
Fish feel bad when they can’t swim properly. This is primarily visible in species that have long fins, like angelfish. Lack of space for swimming may result in them wanting to escape from the tank.
It’s better to keep a limited number of fish species than worry about fish jumping out. Provide plenty of hiding places in the aquarium and lot of strong plants and bushes to ensure safety.
Insufficient oxygen
One of the main factors causing fish to jump out of the tank is too little soluble oxygen in the water. Of course, most fish species do not have lungs to inhale atmospheric oxygen.
Therefore, they need soluble oxygen in water. By jumping out, they try to reach a place with higher oxygen concentration.
The lack of oxygen in our tank can depend on many factors. I write more about it in the article:
In short, an overcrowded aquarium may result in lower oxygen level.
In addition, appropriate water movement and filtration influence the amount of soluble oxygen in the water. Excessive algae growth can also reduce oxygen levels.
Change the water in the aquarium regularly and make sure that there are no contaminants in the aquarium.
Toxic level of ammonium and nitrite in the tank water
High level of the above compounds is a factor that can force your fish to jump out.
It may also be related to other contaminants, such as chlorine.
Even small concentrations can affect your fish and cause serious diseases. You should invest in a water testing kit to check whether it is safe for your fish.
High ammonia concentrations are associated with the decomposition of organic matter, leftover food, rotting vegetation, and dead animals. The only effective method of reducing ammonia content is:
- routine water changes
- avoiding overfeeding fish
- removing litter and dirt
It is also crucial to use an appropriate biological filter that will decompose ammonium and makes it safe.
If your filter does not work properly, you may have problems with water quality. Make sure your filtration system is in good condition.
Filters should be regularly cleaned and filter media replaced as needed. It’s also worth supplementing with good microorganisms.
Unacceptable water parameters
Most freshwater fish are susceptible to sudden changes in tank water. This is mainly related to temperature, hardness and pH.
Too high or too low temperature may cause fish to try to jump out. Let’s make sure that the water temperature is optimal for the freshwater species you keep.
Placing a heating rod near the filter outlet can guarantee that the water temperature throughout the aquarium is uniform.
In larger tanks, you may even install two heaters.
Let’s make sure that the water temperature during changes is also at the same level as the water in the aquarium.
A sudden change in pH can also cause stress and therefore cause fish to jump out. If you buy new fish, you must acclimatize them properly.
Some aquarium fish have territorial impulses and struggle to interact with their tank mates.
Some fish are simply not suitable for a community aquarium. If you have a fish that bullies others, you must take action to prevent it.
The simplest solution, of course, will be to move the aggressive fish to another tank.
Fish that are stressed by other fish may force them to jump outside the aquarium.
Lack of hiding spots
Many species of fish like dense plantations where they can hide and play around. They help small species avoid danger and protect themselves from aggressive fish.
Insufficient number of places in the aquarium may cause the fish to be scared. They may additionally feel anxious and unprotected.
So, they may instinctively jump out of the tank.
Fish stress is actually related to all the factors we talked about earlier. Too many fish, aggressive species in the aquarium, unacceptable water parameters, poor temperature, too much light are the most important stress factors.
However, all factors that disturb the natural behavior of fish can cause stress. This, in turn, leads to diseases and other problems in the aquarium.
Some diseases can also cause your fish to jump out of the aquarium, one of them is White Spot Disease.
It is a disease caused by epidermal parasites and fish may flick and brush against gravel and decorations to relieve the itchiness.
It may happen, that due to itching, the fish may simply jump out of the tank. Therefore, you must regularly observe your fish to check whether they are healthy and, if necessary, provide appropriate treatment.
How to prevent fish from jumping out of the aquarium?
Glass tank covers
The glass cover is one of the basic items that can be purchased from an aquarium dealer. They are available in many sizes to fit all popular tanks.
They usually have a lid that makes it easier to pull up the top part in order to reach inside the aquarium and feed the fish.
Some fish tanks are of course equipped with a lid, so you don’t have to buy them separately.
However, many aquarists choose open aquariums.
Floating plants
We can easily minimize fish jumping out of the aquarium if there are a lot of floating leaves, shrubs and plants on the surface of the tank.
With an surface full of green plants you can prevent fish from jumping out. They feel more confident and safe.
In addition, floating plants reduce water toxins like ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and even heavy metals.
I like using Salvinia more than duckweed, but honestly, anything seems to do the job.
Have a tall aquarium
I believe the size of the tank matters, but so does its height.
Having a tall aquarium makes it much more difficult for fish to jump out of the aquarium.
Even if they try to jump out, it will not have tragic consequences for them.
A high aquarium will allow them to jump above the water surface, while protecting them from landing on the floor.
Decrease the tank water level
If the water level of the tank is high, it is much easier for the fish to jump. We can make it harder for them by lowering the water level by 5-6 inches down.
Of course, in this situation you must take into account the total volume of your aquarium and its dimensions. This method is, in a sense, similar to the situation I wrote earlier, i.e. a tall aquarium.
You are not always able to buy a tall aquarium right away. However, this can prevent fish from jumping out of the tank.
Remember, each species of fish may prefer a different water level. Before making any changes, take these factors into account.
Choose compatible tankmates
This is also a complement to the situation I wrote about earlier regarding aggressive fish.
Let’s make sure that your species are friendly and peaceful to each other. You should consider this when setting up the aquarium.
Avoid aggressive species because it will only cause chaos in your tank.
First, it is worth finding out whether the fish you choose get along well with other species.
Keeping similar species that have similar temperament and water conditions is the best solution.
This way, you can maintain a harmonious tank environment.
Low noise level
Sound waves in water can travel faster than in air. Loud music can disturb fish and cause them stress.
Fish trying to escape from the sound waves in fish tank may simply jump out.
To avoid this, it is worth keeping the aquarium in a quiet room. It is also worth turning off any electronic devices such as TV speakers or laptops that are located near the aquarium.
Provide proper lighting
The rhythm of the fish activity is regulated by appropriate lighting. Ensure that the lighting turns on and off at the same times each day. It’s also beneficial to provide lighting that mimics sunrise and sunset.
Ideally, the light should gradually transition from night to day and vice versa. You should also avoid entering the room at night and switching on the light. This will be additional stress for the fish.
Sudden changes in lighting can cause stress in your fish – they may look for hiding places or simply jump out of the tank.
Use a combination of different techniques
Using a combination of different techniques can be effective in preventing fish from jumping out of the tank. For example, try lowering the water level a bit and adding more floating plants.
This solution will not only improve the well-being of your fish but will also prevent it from jumping out.
If you have fish that need a high water level, it is best to install a cover and adjust the appropriate lighting.
How high can a fish jump?
Of course, it depends largely on the size of the fish, but many of them can dive several centimeters above the water surface.
Species like beta can go up 2-3 inches above the water’s surface.
Some freshwater fish can jump up to 5 feet, which is amazing.
Can you save a fish that has already jumped?
When you approach the tank and see a fish on the floor, check whether it is still wet or dry.
If the fish is still wet, it is moving, there is hope that it will come back to life after being put into the water.
Well, If your fish is already crispy, you can only plan a funeral.
Fish can generally be very resistant, so the sooner you react, the better.
It is worth observing fish after being released into the tank to see if they will come back to life.
What fish jump out of the aquarium most often?
In fact, any species of fish can jump out of an aquarium. It is difficult to predict how a fish will behave if, for example, you have bad water conditions or it is bullying by aggressive fish.
Sometimes jumping out is simply a natural instinct of the fish and is not related to the conditions in your fishtank.
Below I will present you a few species that have a tendency to jump out, but remember that this can happen to any of your fish.
- Gouramis
- Killifish
- Many tetras
- Hatchetfish
- Someone cichlids
- Danios
- Certain Rainbowfish
- Sometimes betta fish
- Top dwellers
In conclusion
As you have read, there are many factors that can cause your fish to jump out of the aquarium.
Therefore, you need to monitor the species, ensure that the tank is suitable for them, assess the filtration system, and evaluate the water parameters.
It is important to find the root cause to save the fish from falling to the floor.
It may be a bit more difficult for beginners, but over time it will become completely simple.