How to set up a fish tank?

How to set up a fish tank?

Before you start your adventure with fish tank hobby, get as much knowledge as possible.

Knowing some rules will allow you to avoid many problems with setting up the tank.

If you have any questions – ask!

With a huge variety of tanks available to choose from, and a variety of different types of fish, it can be hard to pick just the right tank for your home.

Nature fish tank aquascape

Before you setting up a tank, read the article here. You need to know what is necessary to set up your tank. I don’t think I will surprise you that more than just a tank is needed. There is much more equipment you need.

In this guide you will learn how to set up your first tank step by step. You should consider how large tank you want and which fish you want to keep in it. You will not be able to keep large fish (e.g. scalars, discus) in small tank.

You should think about aquarium plants during the planning. If you are a beginner, it is advisable to select easy-to-treat plants.

It’s important to set up your tank properly and carry out a full cycle before adding any inhabitants to ensure they will be happy and thrive. Below you will find important information for setting up and maintaining a tank.

Here we go!


Before adding fish, wait for your tank to cycle over a few  weeks. You can read more in here.

Step 1: Tank and substrate

Choose your tank

An important element is choosing the right tank. The topic is very extensive, therefore I encourage you to look at what size fish tank should I get.

Before you can buy an aquarium or any other type of aquarium equipment, you should first determine what species of fish or invertebrates you want to keep. Is it going to be a large community tank, a smaller species only tank, or a breeding tank?

You can choose from hundreds of varieties of fish to stock in your tank. You should sit down and make a plan about what you want from your tank. A good plan is always useful, especially when it comes to our tanks.

First, you will need to identify what kind of fish you want to buy. There are many different fish species, and it is important to understand which one you want. For example, if you want to buy a fish that is small, you should consider buying the smaller tank. If you want a large fish, you should look at the bigger tank.

If we have already decided on a suitable aquarium we must transport it to our home. In the case of small tanks should not be a problem. Transport of large aquariums is better to commission a transport company, which will do it in a professional manner.

Choose good stand

Let’s think where your aquarium will stand.

Fish tank with stand

You also need to make sure that the stand you’re putting your tank on is suitable and strong enough – putting water in the tank can add a lot of weight to the whole tank.

You also need to make sure that the stand you’re going to put your tank on is sturdy and well-made. And remember that water in the tank can add a lot of weight to the whole tank.

Large aquariums should stand in stable places. The tank should be appropriately leveled.  An unbalanced aquarium can be dangerous. It is recommended that large tanks stand near load-bearing walls.

Positioning Your Tank

Remember that when you decorating your aquarium, we will not be able to move it to another place later (unless it is a tiny tank). Place your tank near a power supply. 

Avoid exposure to sunlight as this promotes the appearance of algae. Consider whether your tank will have a background. If you decide on a background, it’s worth installing it before you even set the aquarium in a proper place. At this stage check if the lighting works properly.

The stand for our aquarium should be strong enough. Adding water to the tank will make it much heavier.


A 50 gallon tank weighs about 100 pounds. Tank with water already weighs 600 pounds.

Remember that there should be enough space between the wall and the back of the aquarium. This will allow you to install the filter and provide easy access for maintenance.

Before setting up the aquarium, it is advisable to fill it partially with water in order to check whether it is leaking anywhere. If you notice any drops, empty the tank and return it to the store for replacement.  Your tank should not be placed on an uneven or sloping surface.


Do not place the aquarium near windows, heaters or air conditioners. This will adversely affect the ecosystem in the aquarium.

If you’ve bought a new tank it is advisable to wipe off any dust with a damp cloth. You will get rid of the dust this way. Do not use any chemicals or soap for this purpose.

You need to make sure the tank is clean before you start adding any substrate. If you’ve bought a used tank you’ll want to be extra careful and you’ll need to give tank more attention.

Prepare the substrate

Now you can prepare the substrate for the aquarium. If you want to plant plants, it is worth investing in suitable substrates. They contain suitable nutrients that will allow the plants to develop properly.

Distribute the soil in such a way that there is less at the front of the tank and more at the back (see graphic below).

Creating live substrate in fish tank infographic

If necessary, rinse the soil under water (it is not always necessary). Do not wash ready-made substrates under water (unless the manufacturer recommends otherwise).

Wash stones, roots and other decorations under running water without any detergents. If you don’t buy roots from the store you should prepare them properly.

Fish tank with substrate


Wood sold in stores can be used immediately. However, we must remember that the water may slightly turn brown. This is due to the presence of natural compounds from the tannin group. If you want to avoid this, you can soak the wood for 2-3 weeks before use.

Step 2: Composition and planting of plants

After spreading the substrate, let’s think about how you will arrange the decorations in the aquarium. What you create in your tank depends only on our imagination. In fishkeeping you can distinguish between different types of biotopes. Each of them consists of animals and other microorganisms typical for a given environment.

Natural wood for fish tank


Arranging the decorations pieces in the right proportions requires less art than it may seem. You just need to know the golden ratio – the formula for creating a pleasing balance of elements – and follow the instructions.

When using the golden ratio in aquarium design, a sense of balance is often achieved. It’s particularly harmonious for the human perception of beauty.

For example, if you are planning to set up a small aquarium, this might be a good place to start!

The three basic layout forms that are often used in aquascaping adhere to the golden ratio. The golden ratio is a mathematical ratio that is used as a basis for many things, including art, architecture and nature.

Golden point is the place where we put our most beautiful plant, our group of plants, a rock or group of rocks. It’s the area that showcases our most beautiful plant, our collection of plants or an individual rock or group of rocks.

To determine the golden ratio of your aquarium, measure the length of the aquarium and divide it by 2,618. Mark the result from one side of the tank. If we put that concept in numbers, you have a 1:1.618 ratio. Look at the graph.

Basic shapes of decorations in fish tank

Three basic shapes of decorations:

  • Triangular composition
  • Convex composition
  • Concave composition

Keep in mind three basic shapes of decorations and you’ll achieve that beautiful looking tank. You can experiment and make changes to your plan. But first find the golden point.

The pieces of wood should be adjusted to the size of the tank. We can attach the moss to the wood using fishing line.

In stores we can buy special threads that will disintegrate naturally in time.  We do not have to worry about the moss as it will attach itself to the wood and start growing.

Moss can also be attached to stones. After arranging the decoration, we can start planting the remaining plants.

Adding plants

Preparing plants for planting is not complicated.  Some of them can be planted in the ground, while others cannot.

Aquatic plants for fish tank


Anubias is a very popular plant in the aquarium. A common mistake is to plant Anubias in soil, causing its roots to rot. Anubias must have the roots exposed. We can attach it to a stone or a piece of wood.

If you are a beginner aquarist, it is best to buy plants that are easy to grow.

When planting, remember to keep them moist all the time. Plants that are not yet planted can be placed on a wet newspaper. Plants planted in an aquarium can dry out quickly (especially moss).

Use a potted plant sprinkler to protect the moss and other plants from pushing out while the arrangement is in progress.

The soil for planting should be wet. It is also worth adding some water to the tank (up to the height of the soil). 

Wet substrate while setting up fish tank

First we plant plants on the 1st plan of the tank, then on the second, and finally on the 3rd plan. For planting it’s worth to use appropriate tools. Planting will be easier with special tweezers.

Basket plant vs invitro

On sale we can buy plants in baskets or invitro.

The basket is filled with mineral wool, in which the roots of the plants grow. After buying a plant in a basket we have to remove the mineral wool.

Prepering the plant

Do not damage the roots. Remove damaged leaves as well. Some plants can be divided into smaller clumps. After cleaning the roots from mineral wool it is a good idea to trim them.

Invitro plants have the advantage of being free of any algae or snail germs. They are grown in a laboratory under sterile conditions.

We can easily divide a small cup of such a plant into smaller clumps. First we need to remove the whole plant from the gel and wash it thoroughly under running water.

When planting the front part, avoid plants that do not grow horizontally. In the middle section, use such plants that the transition in height between the front and back planes is smooth. This will also help give a natural look around the edges of the wood.

Aquatic fish tank plant in bag

Stemmed plants are best cut to the same length. Bamboo sticks or straws can be helpful in delineating the space needed for each species.

In order to protect the plants from floating out, put some substrate under them immediately after planting. When planting in the back, plant the stem plants densely in compact groups.

When I started my aquarium, I never had a lot of plants. Now I know it was a mistake. Plants not only enhance the appearance of your aquarium but also impact the water parameters. Learn more about how to start your first planted aquarium.

Completion of planting plants in fish tank

Step 3: Technical equipment

Install the Equipment

After arranging the decorations and planting the plants, we can proceed with the installation of aquarium equipment. Install the filter, heater and thermometer.

Equipment you choose depends on several factors. You can find out more about it here. Internal filters are easy to install. They are placed directly in the aquarium.  You just have to place the filter on the back wall of your tank.

It may be a bit more difficult to install a canister filter.

External filters are usually located under the aquarium. The water to and from the aquarium flows through the inlet and outlet pipes.

An external filter carries the water out of the tank, and to the filter below to clean in, and then sends it back to the tank. The external filter takes care of removing the impurities from the water. Clean water is pumped back into the aquarium.

Fish tank filter eheim

The external filters have space for more forms of media, and are more effective at filtering the water. Before you plug your external filter into the power supply, it should be filled with water. 

The filter purifies the water. It is important to choose one that has the largest possible capacity and maintains a stable outlet stream over a long period of time. Be sure to have the power filter in place before turning it on at the power supply.

A heater that will ensure the right temperature is a must in a tropical aquarium. Currently, almost all heaters available for sale have set temperature adjustments and a thermostat that will maintain the set temperature in the water.

Set your heater on one side of the tank and place a thermometer on the opposite side. This will ensure the heat to circulate evenly throughout the tank.

Remember! Don’t start the filter and the heater when there is no water in the aquarium yet. It may damage the aquarium equipment.

In an aquarium with a lot of plants, you can additionally dose CO2. Carbon dioxide is essential for stimulating photosynthesis. Intensive photosynthesis allows the plants to grow better.

There are many ready-made kits available on the market, which allow us to dose the correct amount of CO2 safely.

If you’ve come to this point you can add the water. 


Always install the thermometer on the opposite side of the heater. You can place the heater on one side and the thermometer on the other. This ensures that the water is evenly heated throughout the tank.

Adding Freshwater

After the equipment is installed, you can add water into the aquarium. In order to prevent the soil from rising up, it is worth using a plate on which you will pour water.

It is worth adding RO water (reverse osmosis) int the fish tank. We can also add a water treatment agent. Chlorine is not healthy for our fish. Read more about water in here.


Keep the temperature of the tank water constant. Temperature fluctuations will cause stress to the fish. The ideal temperature for aquarium can vary by species.

After filling the tank, we can start the filter. The heater should be turned on half an hour after pouring the water, so that it can adjust to the temperature of the water. After activating the heater, it may take up to 24 hours to stabilize the temperature in the aquarium.

Step 4: Stabilization and adding the fish

Cycling the tank

Your tank is now in place. Before adding fish, wait for your tank to cycle over a few weeks – for more read article how to cycle a fish tank. It is usually 3-4 weeks.

Cycling the tank means that you’re building up bacteria in your biological filter which will help improve the health of your tank. I recommend cycling your tank without fish. 


Cloudy water in a new tank is nothing special; it will disappear with time. This is a normal process because ammonia increases rapidly in an aquarium. Read the article about nitrates in here.

Until this time you should not let the fish in. It is worth adding some fish food to the aquarium. The food will break down into ammonia and the bacteria promoting products will start to work.

Spray bar for fish tank filter

After two weeks we can measure the ammonia and nitrate content in the water. 

It is very important to run a full tank cycle. This will help remove ammonia and nitrite from your tank. It will help to keep the inhabitants healthy and prevent them from becoming sick. Ammonia and nitrites can be very harmful to fish so it’s important to carry out regular water changes to remove them. 

About a month after starting the tank, you can let the fish into your aquarium. This is the stage when the plants start to grow intensively and any algae is under control.

A stable environment in the aquarium will ensure the health of your inhabitants and plants. You must choose the number of fish depending on the size of the aquarium.

Fish tank with stand

Add your fish

It’s best to always ensure your water tank is fully cycled before adding any inhabitants. When ammonia and nitrite levels reach zero (0ppm), your tank is fully cycled.

When you’re adding new fish to your aquarium you should do so slowly over a period of several weeks. How much you can add fish depends on the size of your tank.

The most important thing to remember is to start out by adding no more than one inch of fish per ten gallons. However, remember that this rule is very general.

You also need to learn how to properly acclimatize your fish. If you acclimatize your fish slowly, they don’t get stressed. This will allow them to adapt to changes in their environment more easily. 

If you want to make sure that you are not carrying a disease, you can quarantine your fish for a while. This way, you will be sure that they are healthy.

Below I have listed seven steps to set up a tank: 

  • Step one: Plan your tank
  • Step two: Prepare your tank
  • Step three: Add substrate
  • Step four: Add decorations and plants
  • Step five: Install the equipment 
  • Step six: Cycle the tank
  • Step seven: Add your fish to the tank

Do you know what fish will be best for your aquarium? Take a look at the articles below and see my suggestions:

How to properly acclimatize your fish?

Follow these 7 steps to make sure your fish are doing well: 

  1. Dim the room lights and turn off the aquarium lights.
  2. Float a closed bag for 30 minutes in the aquarium to adjust to the temperature. 
  3. Open the bag up at the top, and roll the bag down until it creates an air pocket.
  4. Add a cup of water from your fish tank to the bag. Repeat this step every 5 minutes until the bag is full.
  5. Discard half of the water from the bag and add another cup of water every 5 minutes until the bag is full again. 
  6. Using a net, you can pick up the fish gently and slowly from the bag and place it in your aquarium. You can thrown out the water of the bag.
  7. Take time to observe your new fish over the next 24 hours to make sure that they are adjusting well to the tank.

In conclusion

You should feel confident enough to set up your first tank.

This is how easy it is! A fish tank is one of the most rewarding things to own and it’s so easy to start a new one. Today!  Don’t wait – order your new tank now!

Let me know about your experience in the comments.

Have fun and take care of your fish.

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