How much does a fish tank cost?

How much does a fish tank cost?

Aquariums are becoming more and more popular.

Chemicals and medicines

Some people think that a small tank is inexpensive and therefore very easy to maintain. Of course, it is worth starting your aquarium adventure with a smaller tank.

However, it must be remembered that the costs of a small tank vary depending on the materials we use.

When it comes to maintaining a tank, there is one simple rule (which may surprise new fish keepers): the larger the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain. Small tanks can be used as a quarantine.

Many people forget that fish are also living creatures, and they experience pain and suffering just like other animals.

When choosing a small tank, it’s important to remember their welfare. The number of fish should be adapted to the size of the tank.

A freshwater aquarium should not be viewed as a decoration, but as a living, biological environment that provides our fish with a healthy place to live.

How much your fish tank will costs depends on several different factors. The main factors affecting the price are:

  • The size of the tank – the larger the tank, the higher the price, of course. The size of your fish tank should depend, for example, on the type and number of fish we want to have
  • Fish needs – Some fish need a suitable environment, such as water temperature. Fish species with specific needs will undoubtedly require more equipment and cleaning supplies. However, some species of fish are very easy to care for, such as goldfish. Always choose fish whose needs match your skills and financial resources.
  • Materials used – if we plan to grow plants, the total cost will of course be higher. Plants require an appropriate substrate and fertilizers
  • Equipment – all equipment consumes electricity. It is worth knowing how much energy the equipment you buy will consume. Below you will find out how you can calculate the cost of energy consumption

This is a quick budget breakdown for a new and complete freshwater aquarium setup.

Fish Tank Equipment

Aquarium 30 Gallon100$
Substrate, decor300$
Filter media50$
water testing kit50$
Water conditioner10$
Bucket 5 gallon5$
Algae scraper5$

The prices shown are examples. They may be different.

Setting up a freshwater aquarium is expensive, but not nearly as much as you might think. 

If you want to keep a tropical tank in your home, you will have to consider not only the initial investment but also the electricity to power the fish tank equipment, as well as monthly bills. 

Aquariums are a relatively expensive investment, but once they are running smoothly, they offer ongoing benefits for your entire family. The most important thing to know about keeping a freshwater aquarium is how much it will cost. You will also have to pay for the annual maintenance.

Fish in the fish tank

Maintenance cost

Here’s a list of typical freshwater tank-maintenance costs.

Specialist Fish Food$250 
Basic fish food$50
Replacement Plants$50
Filter parts and cartridges$50
Water Chemicals and Testing$80
Replacement Bulbs$20

The electric bill for your freshwater aquarium will vary depending on these factors:


A lighting system includes the type of lamps, how many are needed, and how long they are turned on.


The important things are: what type of fish tank heater you have, how long you use it, the temperature at which your fish are kept, and whether they are freshwater or tropical fish. If you have a large tank, the heaters used may be longer and larger.

Other equipment

There are a lot of different types of extra equipment you can add to your fish tank: UV filters, water pumps, etc.

How to calculate costs?

To calculate the operating costs, you need the power of each device that you will have in the freshwater aquarium. The calculation formula is very simple. I will present it on an example.

fish tank operating costs

For example we have the following equipment:

  • 200 W Heater 
  • 40 W Fluorescent lamp 
  • 24W Filter

The filter must operate 24 hours a day, all days of the year. We usually turn on the light for no more than 10 hours a day. In the case of the heater, things are a bit more difficult, but for the calculation we will simplify that it works like a filter. However, it is unlikely that the heater will run 24 hours a day.

So let’s calculate the heater’s operating costs. We substitute all values under the formula. The 200W heater works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

heater operating costs

We proceed in a similar way when calculating the remaining devices. In the case of a fluorescent lamp, we enter 10 hours a day (as much as the light is actually on).

light operating costs
flter operating costs

The total number of kWh devices in your freshwater aquarium is:

total kwh

We now have to multiply the kWh value by the electricity supplier’s kWh rate. The average rate in 2022 is 14.50 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), which is $ 0,145.

The cost of running a tank will therefore be:

total cost running fish tank

We will therefore pay $ 292,64 in a year.

How to save some cash when you keep fish?

Fishkeeping is a great hobby, but it can be expensive. You can never have too many tricks and tips for saving money! These tricks and techniques will allow you to save some cash when you keep fish.

Small fish tank on the table

Choose cheap decorations

Wood, rocks, terra cotta flower pots – find these items outdoors and use them in your freshwater aquarium, they’ll look fantastic and won’t break the bank.

It’s easier to find many types of fish tank decorations by doing a little bit of a search in the woods or around a nearby pond, lake or river.  For rocks and wood, it’s important to thoroughly dry them. Then, you should boil them to remove any parasites that may be living inside.

Prepare the food yourself

You can create food for many species of aquarium fish.

One of the most nutritious foods we can eat is free! When you know how to grow them, you can get nutritious and free ingredients for your food (dandelion leaves, clover leaves, stinging nettles). There are many different kinds of fish that eat Daphnia (home-grown) and earthworms.

Instead, you may hit the nearest supermarket to buy the required ingredients, including tomatoes, sweet potatoes, courgettes, lettuce, and peppers.

For an excellent source of protein, you should opt for cheap seafood mixes. To help with energy and digestion, make sure to add garlic to fish diet.

Resealable containers

If you’re planning to start a fish tank, a Tupperware container is an excellent addition.

These containers are perfect for keeping food for your fish, or for pouring water in your freshwater aquarium.

You should never use any kind of soap in fish tank. Soap will harm your fish and can even kill them.

Use aquarium LED lights

Because they are relatively more expensive than other types of lighting, aquarium LED lights can actually help you save money in the long run.

A great LED lighting option that keeps electricity consumption down. These lights consume less energy than ordinary light bulbs, which means you’ll save money on your electric bill.

With a lot of power usage, using energy-efficient lighting is the way to go. It’s better for your fishtank, better for the environment, and better for your budget.

Bowl fish tank

Look for high-quality tank equipment

You’re not going to save a ton of money when you buy cheap equipment. Investing in only high-quality products is the best way to save money on your freshwater aquarium hobby. They’re usually much better than the ones that are cheaper. 

These are big investments, so the initial cost is pretty high. However, in the long run they will pay off and they are the very best for your fish.

If you’re having problems with a broken fish tank filter, it might be the time to upgrade. A new high-quality filter means less downtime and fewer issues with your fish tank. The worst case scenario for your fish is that it will get sick. The sick and stressed fish may even die.

In conclusion

The price of a fish tank depends largely on the type of fish and the type of freshwater aquarium you want.  It’s important to do your research and spend your money wisely if you truly want to maximize the value of your investment.

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