Starting a freshwater aquarium for the first time is intimidating, but it can also be exciting! For many people, there are a lot of questions and confusion about the various aspects of fishkeeping – like the best types of tanks to buy or what types of fish to keep.
This tips for beginners include everything you need to know how to start care for freshwater fish.
Fish needs
Starting a fish tank can seem complex at first. But once you’ve set it up correctly, you’ll enjoy watching your new freshwater fish live.
Whether you’re planning to build your aquarium from scratch or just want to add a few new and exciting additions, here are few simple tips to help you get your tank up and running.
Let’s discuss the three critical factors for a healthy aquarium and the fish inside.
These tips focus on the three basic aspects of any aquarium. By focusing on each of them, you can avoid most major aquarium problems and have a healthy aquarium. Here they are:
- Design your aquarium so that it’s attractive, comfortable and easy to clean. This will help attract and keep fish.
- Keep your aquarium clean and well-maintained by doing regular upkeep
- A well-fed aquarium is one of the best things you can do for fish care.
Starting A New Fish Tank
The best tips for starting a new freshwater aquarium are to choose the right type of fish for your aquarium and decide on the type of aquarium you want. Building a tank just for one fish species is easier than creating a balanced tank for more than one species. Whether you decide to go for the fish or the invertebrate as your focus, it will be important to choose the best choice for you.
Choose the right type of fish tank and set up
Decide on the right type of aquarium and set up for the type of freshwater fish you are planning to add to your tank. Your aquarium determines the kind of fish you can keep. Fish tanks with large spaces can hold more fish than smaller tanks. You must also remember that each species needs an appropriate amount of room to swim and explore.
For example, you can keep your male Betta in a small 5-gallon tank. If you want to have lots of goldfish, you’ll need a larger tank – at least 20-gallons.
A Nano tank is a fun option for first-time aquarium owners, but they require more effort to maintain than larger tanks. You should get the largest capacity tank you can to make things easier.
You need to check out the right kind of aquarium for the right type of fish. Make sure you have the right filters, heater, and substrate for your aquarium.
Choose right tank mates for your community
It’s really important to consider the compatibility of your tank mates before you start building your aquarium. Make sure you keep your fish species in tanks that are known to get along with your focus species. You don’t want to run into problems with aggression.
Avoid overcrowding
Fish become stressed when they don’t have enough room to swim and explore. If you want to keep your cat healthy, a good rule of thumb is to let them have a gallon of water per inch of their height. Remember that this is just a general rule – you can read more in this article. A fish of 5-inches in length needs at least 5 gallons of water. Swimming is much easier if you have the right aquarium for the fish you’re keeping. Swimmers like freshwater sharks or common goldfish may need even more room in the tank.
The best tips to feed your fish
Nutrition is an important part of having a healthy fish tank. Fish are either vegetarian or omnivorous depending on what they eat. Algae, plant and other animals form the basis of their diet. It is easy to make mistakes when it comes to feeding fish. Here are my top tips on how to do this right.
Rotate different brands or types of food fish
Choose a high-quality commercial fish food, then supplement it with a variety of treat foods, and give your fish a range of choices. Rotate different brands or types of commercial fish food.
Different animals have different feeding behaviors so there are certain types of diets that will be appropriate for each species. There are many different ways to feed fish. Fish that live at the top and middle of the tank will often prefer floating flakes or pellets, and those that live at the bottom benefit from sinking pellets and wafer diets.
Make sure that you provide your fish with enough fresh / frozen / freeze-dried treats in their diet for a couple of meals a week to ensure they’re getting a balanced diet.
Avoid Overfeeding
One of the easiest ways to mess up your fish tank is to put too many foods in it. Fish that are overweight have a higher risk of health problems and shorter life spans. You should only feed your aquarium once or twice a day, unless you want to raise young fish fry.
When you want to avoid overfeeding, just add as much food as the community can eat in about two to three minutes. Take all leftovers away immediately. Don’t let them decay. If you want to maximize the benefits of your fish tank, then you should consider giving it a fast-day once a week. Fish also get used to certain feeding times.
Choose a high-quality fish food
Most commercial diets are made from seafood, algae, and seaweed, and they can get rancid or stale after a certain period of time. You don’t want to grab old jars that have been sitting on the shelf for years. Always check the expiration date. Old jars can make foods go bad quickly. If you have jars that have been open for a while, toss them. Don’t keep using the jar as if it were new.
Don’t buy fish food in bulk
Containers of fish food spoil very quickly once they’ve been opened. They should be kept in a cool, dark place. It’s best to buy small containers of fish food, which will have a fresh and natural appearance, and avoid buying large bulk containers. I keep only a few weeks’ worth of food on hand for my tanks.
Maintaining your fish tank
How to take care of your aquarium is a pretty straightforward topic, although it can seem like a very complicated one at times.
Do everything in a timely manner and maintain. Just be sure to create a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule.
To keep the fish tank healthy:
- Check the equipment
- Monitor the temperature
- Test water quality
- Make changes slowly
- Do partial water changes
- Remove algae regularly
- Observe your fish
Check the equipment and monitor the temperature
Keep an eye on the temperature and check your heater and filter daily to be sure they’re running at peak performance.
When your tank temperature drops or your filter pad gets clogged, you don’t want to find out about the problem one week later when your fish or plants are dying.
Test Water
You need to test the water in your aquarium every few weeks for the first couple of months and then at least monthly for as long as fish tank runs.
By measuring the pH and ammonia levels, you’ll be able to catch any potential problem before it occurs.
You can get cheap water testing kits from any aquarium store. They come with a variety of test strips or drop test, and you can use them right away to check whether your tank water has proper pH levels.
Make changes slowly
Even if your fish suddenly shows signs of illness, don’t panic!
If you change the tank environment slowly and gradually, over a period of time, you’ll get the best results.
A fish’s health can vary greatly depending on its environment. They can cope quite well in different conditions, but when things change fast, they get stressed.
Do partial water changes
There’s no rule that says how often you have to change your water. It depends on factors such as the tank’s size, how much fish it holds, how many times a day the fish are fed, the type of filtration system, etc.
A good rule of thumb is to change water in your aquarium at least once a week, but some tanks may not require weekly water changes. A smaller tank will need to be water changed more frequently than a larger.
If your aquarium needs a water change, you need to remove and replace about 25% of the water. When doing a water change in an aquarium, keep the fish in the tank during the entire process.
If your aquarium has a large amount of algae growth or your fish are sick, you can safely change up to 50 percent of the water in the tank every 24-hours. However, it’s best not to remove more than that at a time. It could make your fish stressed.
Remove algae regularly
The algae is only a problem if it completely covers your aquarium. If the algae is a little bit, you should not worry. Algae is great for food for many aquatic species.
You can remove algae from your aquarium with the right chemicals and equipment. It is important to remove algae reulary. Wipe it off your tank and your equipment. Here you can read more about algae.
Don’t clean your fish tank too much. The water in your aquarium can’t be sterile. You don’t have to scrub away everything. The good bacteria living in your substrate and filter help keep your ammonia levels in check.
If you clean your fish tank too aggressively, your ammonia levels will rise and you risk killing your fish. In addition, you may inadvertently disturb some of the good bacteria living in your gravel and filter, which will cause your ammonia levels to spike.
The best thing to do when cleaning the tank is to use a siphon, but you should be careful not to overdo it. Be sure to clean the filter regularly.
Observe your fish everyday
The best way to prevent problems from occurring in the first place is to observe your fish and check their health.
Make sure that your aquarium’s water parameters and your fish’s health are stable. If a fish is not acting, swimming, or eating normally, take note. Keep a watchful eye on their color, appearance and behavior in the tank.
Faded fish are often stressed or ill, so it’s important to know how to recognize signs of stress or illness and how to help them. Be on the lookout for signs of injury or illness. If you notice fin rot or white spot disease, you should take action right away.
What you should do when you spot a problem with your fish?
The first step to keeping your fish happy and healthy is to test the water quality of your tank. Keep sick fish in a hospital tank from contact with healthy animals. They could infect the others.
If you see symptoms of illness in any of your fish, immediately test and treat the entire aquarium. You have to figure out what’s causing it. Then, figure out how to fix it.
Look up a specific fish care protocol for a particular species and be sure to adjust your equipment as needed.
A sick fish can be treated without antibiotics or other medications. Water changes, adjusting light cycles, or increasing or decreasing the water temperature will often help treat a sick fish.
This method can’t always solve the problem, so you may have to try using water-based medicines. They should be your final, and only, resort.
You should never use medications containing copper in your aquarium. They may damage your aquarium and kill many of the sensitive freshwater fish and snails and shrimp.
There are lots of medications out there, but only safe ones should be used when you’re maintaining a tank.
10 tips and advice for beginners
These 10 things are all-important to keep in mind:
- Select an aquarium that is right for the fish species you want
- Think carefully about fish tank setup
- Choose compatible fish species
- Be patience when cycling a tank
- Make changes slowly
- Avoid overstocking
- Don’t overfeed fish
- Test the water regularly
- Avoid over-cleaning
- Do a regular partial water change
In conclusion
I hope these basic tips for aquarium care will help you keep your aquarium thriving. By following these guidelines, you will avoid many of the aquarium’s most common problems and maintain a beautiful tank for your fish.
Come join me on social media for more ideas, tips and tricks!